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eduPersonAssurance attribute


Attribute “eduPersonAssurance” is used in federated SAML2 authentication to manage risk that is involved in allowing access to a service provider. Using this attribute the service provider can limit access by the reliability of the identity provider and user account. This article gives a simple explanation and usage example with Shibboleth IDP identity provider.

Roughly put this attribute describes the following properties of the requesting user:

We also have two named assurance profile attribute values that define all of the above in two different levels: Cappuccino and Espresso. Example follows later.

To assert the values defined in this profile to the RPs the CSPs will use URIs which have the following prefix: $PREFIX$=

General criteria

These requirements must be met in all of the cases below. Organization is not allowed to provide assurance data without meeting the requirements stated below.

Refeds requirements according to Refeds Assurance Framework

IGTF general requirements

Identifier uniqueness

This describes how certain we are that this login represents this a single natural person.

Uniqueness statements

For uniqueness we have four statements that are used to define the level of uniqueness

In addition to the identifiers mentioned in Unique-4, eduPersonPrincipalName (ePPN, [eduPerson]) is a human-readable user identifier whose re-assignment practice is undefined by its specification. To support Relying Parties’ use of ePPN, the following extra values are defined to describe a CSP’s ePPN practices.

Levels of uniqueness

We have three levels of uniqueness which are defined using the statements above as follows

Identity authenticity

This describes how certain we are that this user is who he/she claims to be.

Identity authentity statements

Identity authenticity levels

These encapsulate the level of authentity of a user. Please look IGTF and Kantara descriptions below. These values constitute an ordered set of levels with increasing requirements. The CSP asserting a value high MUST also assert (and comply with) the value medium and low for a given user. The CSP asserting a value medium MUST also assert (and comply with) the value low for a given user.









Local assurances

Organisation may assert following value independent of values above


Home Organisations may have several internal systems with varying assurance level requirements. It is assumed that the Home Organisation has made a risk based decision on what exactly are the assurance level requirements for those accounts. It is assumed that the Home Organisation’s internal systems referred to here could be:


To assure the freshness of the eduPersonAffiliation, eduPersonScopedAffiliation and eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation attributes the following statements can be used. The freshness of the attribute is further limited to the following attribute values: faculty, student and member. Other values and attributes are out of scope. The values are hierarchical. A CSP which asserts $PREFIX$/ATP/ePA-1d MUST assert also $PREFIX$/ATP/ePA-1m for a given user.

Assurance profiles

There exists two assurance profiles that encapsulate the requirements above into a simple common name. Both individual assurance assertions and all assurance profiles which they qualify should be populated.


Assurance profile Cappuccino (attribute value $PREFIX$/profile/cappuccino) must contain minimum following assurance attribute values:


Assurance profile Cappuccino (attribute value $PREFIX$/profile/cappuccino) must contain following assurance attribute values:

References and examples

eIDAS Assurance levels

Please look at the original article for details


  1. The person can be assumed to be in possession of evidence recognised by the Member State in which the application for the electronic identity means is being made and representing the claimed identity.
  2. The evidence can be assumed to be genuine, or to exist according to an authoritative source and the evidence appears to be valid.
  3. It is known by an authoritative source that the claimed identity exists and it may be assumed that the person claiming the identity is one and the same.

eIDAS Substantial

Level low, plus one of the alternatives listed in points 1 to 4 has to be met:

  1. The person has been verified to be in possession of evidence recognised by the Member State in which the application for the electronic identity means is being made and representing the claimed identity

    the evidence is checked to determine that it is genuine; or, according to an authoritative source, it is known to exist and relates to a real person
    steps have been taken to minimise the risk that the person's identity is not the claimed identity, taking into account for instance the risk of lost, stolen, suspended, revoked or expired evidence;


  2. An identity document is presented during a registration process in the Member State where the document was issued and the document appears to relate to the person presenting it and
    steps have been taken to minimise the risk that the person's identity is not the claimed identity, taking into account for instance the risk of lost, stolen, suspended, revoked or expired documents;
  3. Where procedures used previously by a public or private entity in the same Member State for a purpose other than the issuance of electronic identification means provide for an equivalent assurance to those set out in section 2.1.2 for the assurance level substantial, then the entity responsible for registration need not to repeat those earlier procedures, provided that such equivalent assurance is confirmed by a conformity assessment body referred to in Article 2(13) of Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1) or by an equivalent body;


  4. Where electronic identification means are issued on the basis of a valid notified electronic identification means having the assurance level substantial or high, and taking into account the risks of a change in the person identification data, it is not required to repeat the identity proofing and verification processes. Where the electronic identification means serving as the basis has not been notified, the assurance level substantial or high must be confirmed by a conformity assessment body referred to in Article 2(13) of Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 or by an equivalent body.

eIDAS High

Requirements of either point 1 or 2 have to be met:

  1. Level substantial, plus one of the alternatives listed in points (a) to © has to be met: (a) Where the person has been verified to be in possession of photo or biometric identification evidence recognised by the Member State in which the application for the electronic identity means is being made and that evidence represents the claimed identity, the evidence is checked to determine that it is valid according to an authoritative source; and the applicant is identified as the claimed identity through comparison of one or more physical characteristic of the person with an authoritative source; or (b) Where procedures used previously by a public or private entity in the same Member State for a purpose other than the issuance of electronic identification means provide for an equivalent assurance to those set out in section 2.1.2 for the assurance level high, then the entity responsible for registration need not to repeat those earlier procedures, provided that such equivalent assurance is confirmed by a conformity assessment body referred to in Article 2(13) of Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 or by an equivalent body and steps are taken to demonstrate that the results of the earlier procedures remain valid; or © Where electronic identification means are issued on the basis of a valid notified electronic identification means having the assurance level high, and taking into account the risks of a change in the person identification data, it is not required to repeat the identity proofing and verification processes. Where the electronic identification means serving as the basis has not been notified, the assurance level high must be confirmed by a conformity assessment body referred to in Article 2(13) of Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 or by an equivalent body and steps are taken to demonstrate that the results of this previous issuance procedure of a notified electronic identification means remain valid. OR
  2. Where the applicant does not present any recognised photo or biometric identification evidence, the very same procedures used at the national level in the Member State of the entity responsible for registration to obtain such recognised photo or biometric identification evidence are applied.

IGTF levels

IGTF levels cut thru organisation to provide requirements for multiple aspects of the identity provider organisation.

Please look at the original article for details.

Base requirements

Base requirements comply with the common sense practises of IT administration and include





Certainty of attribute data

Kantara used to provided means to measure attribute data reliability but now also includes measurements for other assurance views.

Please also look at the Kantara service assessment documents for details.

Kantara assurance levels

Kantara gives us multiple levels of attribute assurance.

Level One

Minimal confidence on attribute correctness. The attribute data is given by an individual without release of data is given back. Examples: payment transactions, web forms, self registered ID based operations.

No cryptographic methods required. Use this level if faulty data does not result in negative outcome.

5.1.1 Credential Operating Environment

5.1.2 Credential issuing

5.1.3 Credential renewal

5.1.4 Credential revocation

5.1.5 Credential status management

5.1.6 Credential verification / authentication

Level Two

Some confidence on attribute correctness. Some risk involved with faulty data.

Single factor authentication is recommended. Gotchas or similar are required to prevent spamming / guessing.

5.2.1 Credential Operating Environment

5.2.2 Credential issuing

5.2.3 Credential renewal

5.2.4 Credential revocation

5.2.5 Credential status management

5.2.6 Credential verification / authentication

Level Three

High confidence on attribute correctness. Substantial risk involved with faulty data.

Multi factor authentication is required. Identity proofing require photographic ID / passport / similar verification. Authentication must be based on a password or a key though a cryptographic protocol. Usage of soft-, hard- or OTP device tokens.

Level Four

Very high confidence on attribute correctness. Critical risk involved with faulty data.

Multi factor authentication is required. Identity proofing require photographic ID / passport / similar verification. Authentication must be based on a password or a key though a cryptographic protocol using hardware device tokens. High levels of cryptographic assurance required for all elements of credential and token management.

Shibboleth IDP V4 static example

A medium level university example added to attribute-resolver.xml (source HAKA federation).

<AttributeDefinition xsi:type="Simple" id="eduPersonAssurance">
    <InputDataConnector ref="staticAttributes" allAttributes="true" />
<DataConnector id="staticAttributes" xsi:type="Static">
    <Attribute id="eduPersonAssurance">


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